Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ted Cruz, Mysteries of Science, and Obamas Failures

Perfect? Really?

As in 'every movie this woman has ever made'

Ummm...maybe we have larger problems....

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Susan Boyle, Gun-Giveaways, and Cheering Crowds

Ummm...ok, if you say so....( awkward pause)

Sometimes I just wish the clickbait caption fail was a real thing.
I'm pretty sure they were cheering for the shark.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Clinton Pics, More Trail Cameras, and Energy Boosters

Ok, being totally honest, I'm not particularly shocked.

Once again, what in the world is going on in the woods behind my house? First Ann Coulter, now this?

Well at least he looks relaxed.

Oh, and a bonus caption fail submitted by the author of the runaway blog success Inconceivable!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Stunning Wives, VA Benefits and Wal-Mart

He married the Statue of Liberty?? Is  EVERYTHING for sale in this country?

It's not so much that they are a secret, but rather that they are too small to see without help.
Stadium seating at Wal-Mart? I am speechless.

Gene Wilders's Daughter, Flying Cranberries and A Very Confusing Razor

Who Knew?
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that this picture was taken seconds before impact
Umm..switch what?